Green has worked with Nurse-Family Partnership through Panhandle Health since she was pregnant with Meadow who now has kidney failure. Her van began having issues and was unsafe to drive when Charity Reimagined starting working with her.
A blown car engine made life tricky for a young couple both going to college and working to give their baby boy a good life. "The motor blew up and we could not afford to fix it."
Abigial is 17-years old, attending her last year of high school along with some college classes. Abigail works part-time to pay for many of her own expenses. She originally applied for car repairs and found out her vehicle was not worth repairing. She needed reliable transportation to get back and forth to school and work, and we added her to the waitlist for RIDES.
When "Anna" first met with the Center for New Directions at North Idaho College over two years ago, she was homeless after being evicted from their apartment. Her four children were in foster care. She was devastated and desperate to create change. Her car broke down just when her hard work was beginning to show the reward of stability.
When she was told about Rides, she had just had her car repossessed. She had lived in that car, been beaten up by her ex boyfriend in that car. She survived, and finally chosen life in that car.
Through Rides, she has mapped out a plan to take back control of her financial success. "I feel more confident than ever that I’m on the right track and that the next chapter of my life will be the best ever."